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Wednesday, November 5, 2008



Natural Cleaning

How common cleaning products could be a ticking time bomb in your home or office!

If your home or office is typical, it already has dozens of cleaning and personal care products that contain harmful chemicals. Recent studies have revealed that most households/offices contain over 63 hazardous products that together contain hundreds of chemicals. These chemicals have the potential to greatly harm or even kill your children, your pets and you, should they accidentally not be used with the utmost caution.


The Surprising Poison


Dishwashing Detergents and Indoor Air Pollution

What household cleaning product causes the most poisonings? It’s not bleach, Lysol, or drain unblocker – according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, it’s dishwashing detergent. Most of them contain naphtha, a fuel ingredient that is also a nervous system depressant similar to hemlock or Valium.

Dishwashing detergent and other cleaning agents may also have diethanolsamine (a liver poison), chlorophenylphenol (a toxic metabolic stimulant), chlorine, or carbamazepine (another central nervous system depressant). Not only are these chemicals dangerous to your children and pets if ingested, but whenever you wash dishes or clean with them, you’re releasing fumes containing these toxins into the air you’re breathing.

Doesn’t sound like that’s too bad? You eat two or three pounds of food each day and drink about three pounds. But you inhale fifteen or more pounds of air – and any toxins in the air come inside as well. In addition, your lungs aren’t as good at removing toxins as your stomach is, so more toxins get into your system. The EPA recently announced that indoor air quality is our most significant environmental issue today.

Consider the following facts:

  • Many homes have airborne pollutant levels 25 to 100 times that of the air outside the home.

  • Cleaning and personal care products you use in your home are three times as likely to cause cancer as airborne pollutants from outside.

  • 1500 hazardous substances can be found in the typical North American home.

  • About 50% of ALL illnesses are caused by or aggravated by indoor pollution.

  • Americans spend 90% of their time indoors.

  • Housewives may have a 55% higher risk of cancer than women working outside the home.

  • Maybe natural cleansers like lemon oils would be a better way to go?

Could these tragedies happen in your home or office?

When little Jennifer Smith of Salt Lake City, UT was about a year old she crawled over to the dishwasher while her mother was unloading the dishes. She put her small finger in the detergent dispensing cup and ate a finger full of wet but un-dissolved commercial dish detergent. In minutes her face was red and blistered, the inside of her mouth and tongue were burned white. Luckily she was rushed to a nearby hospital emergency room for quick medical attention. She recovered in a few days.

Another documented case was a 20 month old boy who had to be fed through tubes for five months and suffered through many operations. Again, the culprit was dishwasher detergent.

This is only two of thousands of cases reflecting children ingesting and being exposed to, what most consider common household products, terrible life threatening consequences.

It is estimated that the U.S. Poison Control Center has nearly 1.5 million reported cases of accidental ingestion of poisons every year. Sadly most of these cases were under 12 years of age.

Have you ever wondered what the strong odor in the cleaners isle of your supermarket is?
Ingestion is only one of three major ways that these products enter the body. Inhalation is even for more dangerous because when breathed in these harmful chemicals go directly into the blood stream and can quickly affect the lungs, heart, brain liver and kidneys.

By the way, that strong smell in your supermarket cleaner isle is caused by what industry experts describe as "out gassing". Out gassing is the vapors escaping from the "sealed" containers on the supermarkets shelves. Which obviously are extremely harmful to your health.

Have you ever been literally driven out of your bathroom shower while using one of the most popular tile cleaners? These types of cleaners must contain strong chemicals in order to do the job. The job may get done but you are at risk from the strong vapors that are generated. By the time you have exited the bathroom the chemical vapors have entered your blood stream and are wrecking havoc with your health.

Where are your rubber gloves?
Do you know that one square centimeter of skin (the size of a dime) contains 3 million cells and 4 yards of nerves? How do you think nicotine and hormone replacement patches work? Do the chemicals somehow enter the body from the patch through the skin to do their work? Of course they do.

This same absorption occurs every time a cleaning product touches your skin. By the way, if your baby happens to crawl across your nicely scrubbed kitchen floor, even several days after, the skin will pick up and absorb whatever harmful chemicals happen to be in the cleaner.

Consumer Beware!

Why isn't the consumer informed and protected from the potentially dangerous chemicals contained in cleaning and personal care products?

  • The government has very limited power to regulate and require proper testing.
  • Products that kill 50% of lab animals can still get designated as "non-toxic".
  • Of 17,000 household chemicals only about 5,100, or approximately 30%, have been adequately tested and less than 10% have been tested on the nervous system.
  • No law requires manufactures to list the exact ingredients on the package label.

Veriuni All Natural Cleaners!

Just imagine your peace of mind if you never had to be concerned again about your family suffering from the misuse of harmful cleaning chemicals.

Veriuni's environmentally safe cleaning products provide a powerful answer to the harm that ingestion, inhalation and absorption of common household products. Veriuni's products combine all-natural ingredients and vigorous cleaning action for the ultimate in consumer safety and environmental health.

All-natural, gentle and powerful, Veriuni Cleaning Products use only citrus-based oils, as well as ingredients from corn and other replenish able materials. They contain no dyes, artificial fragrances, or pesticide residues. Even our packaging and labels are constructed solely from recycled materials.

The news is incredible, Veriuni's line of environmentally safe cleaning products work like no other cleansers on the market today. Consumers everywhere, including those at businesses, hospitals and schools are switching to environmentally, safe, effective cleaners to increase health among family members, clients and employees.

"Our company has been using the All Purpose Cleaner for over four years now. It has no hazardous chemicals and my employees love the fresh orange scent. Your cleaner is truly an all in one product that works on every surface in our bakery from floors, walls, equipment, counters, baking pans and dishes."
B. Rooden

Just how good are these cleaners?
The Veriuni formula is used exclusively by the over 30 National Parks, a few which include Yellowstone, Grant Teton and Yosemite. The formula was also chosen by the City of Santa Monica after conducting tests for the most effective and environmentally safe cleansers for the city's cleaning needs. Warner Brothers and Fox Studios, the University Medical Center in Hackensack, NJ and world-famous resorts have also chosen these products to clean their facilities. And most recently, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is testing these same products for use on its fleet of air and water quality testing ships.

"The staff had high marks for this product which completely removed organic stains and all trace odors from carpet and upholstered furniture without emitting any noxious fumes or leaving any residues. No other product performed all of these tasks better."
B. White

Now, Veriuni makes these safe products available to you, for use in both your home and your office. A powerful, effective and non-toxic alternative to traditional cleaners.

"The Bathroom Cleaner really does a good job on soap scum in the bathrooms. We have a number of children that come through our business on a daily basis. I wanted our cleaners to be safe for them and the environment. We chose your products because they have no hazardous ingredients. I don't want to dump that stuff into our septic system."
K. Stevens

Start protecting your health today!!
Don't waste another minute. You owe it to yourself, your family, friends and employees to get the protection that Veriuni's safe and effective products provide. Access to these earth friendly products is so easy and convenient.

Fill your shopping basket with safe products. Get rid of all those harmful products forever and replace them with Veriuni.

Helpful Hint...we have made it very convenient for you to try eight of our most popular products. Order the handy Sample Pack and you'll receive eight, sixteen ounce bottles, of the safest, yet most effective cleaning products on the planet.

Deer Cave at Mulu National Park

You owe it to yourself and your family - Click here to order

Natural Cleaning Product List:




Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Healthy Lifestyle





True or False...almost all wellness deficiencies are part of the normal aging process. There's nothing you can do about it.

True or False...all required nutrients are obtained from your average daily food intake, therefore supplementation is a big waste of money.

The answers? False and False!

There are two major problems with the current food supply, they are:

  • We eat too much...estimates are that 61% of the population is overweight, and
  • We are not getting the minimum amounts of the building blocks (nutrients) that our bodies need for good health.

Men's Health

From working long hours at the office to raising families, men are living busier lives than ever. Yet the constant pressures of daily life can cause them to overlook their health. Many of the health risks that men face can be successfully treated if diagnosed early, though, so regular checkups are a must. Learn more about the specific health challenges men face.

If you're beginning to lose your hair, make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. In addition to ruling out any serious medical conditions, he or she may be able to prevent the problem from getting worse. Most cases of male pattern hair loss can be kept under control or even improved if treated early.

If you're trying to build muscle mass, it's not only your workouts that are important; what you eat can play a major role. These muscle-building recipes are all packed with essential vitamins and a healthy balance of protein and sustained-release carbohydrates.

Women's Health

From maternity to menopause, women have unique health needs. Find out what changes to expect when you're pregnant, what you can do to make menopause more bearable, and how to reduce your risk of breast, ovarian, and cervical cancer. Learn how to stay healthy--both physically and emotionally.

Women of all ages should eat a well-balanced diet that's rich in nutritious ingredients like fatty fish, dark leafy greens, beans, yogurt, tomatoes, and berries. To get started, whip up these recipes--all of which are packed with women's superfoods.

Women's Health & Pregnancy

If you're of childbearing age or are planning to become pregnant, it's extremely important that you consume about 400 micrograms of folic acid every day. Adequate consumption is key in helping to prevent neural tube birth defects. While some amounts of folic acid can be obtained through food, many women opt for a supplement.

Aging affects every aspect of your body


Aging affects every aspect of your body, from your organs and bones to your muscles and joints. But that doesn't mean your physical health has to nosedive as you get older. Taking proactive steps to boost your well-being can bring dramatic payoffs well into the future.

Start with exercise. An active lifestyle can help you maintain strength, flexibility, endurance and balance and let you age gracefully. Strength training is especially important for women, whose bone density peaks in their early thirties and declines sharply after menopause.

Safeguard your immune system and start destroying harmful free radicals today!

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Not only will exercise help make your bones stronger, it will also increase muscle mass, which in turn boosts metabolism so you burn more calories at rest.

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That's good news for avoiding the age-related weight creep that plagues many women. While younger females gain weight on their thighs and hips, older women are more likely to bulge around the mid-section. The effects of this extra abdominal weight show up not only in the mirror but also in the form of increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, blood pressure, and many other illnesses.

What you put in your mouth matters, too. Filling up on so-called "empty calories" like refined carbohydrates taxes your body's systems and saps your energy reserves. Eating plenty of whole grains, lean proteins, and fresh fruits and vegetables will help shore up your overall health.

And don't forget to safeguard your health by getting an annual health exam. Your check-up should include a full blood workup to measure total cholesterol, levels of good and bad cholesterol, and triglycerides. Depending on your age, a pap smear, mammogram, bone-density exam or thyroid test may also be warranted.

Click the Banner, order yours today!!

Eating & Nutrition

If you are what you eat, are you giving your body what it needs? An unbalanced diet can put you at risk for conditions such as diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and osteoporosis. Fortunately, with discipline and know-how, a healthy eating regimen can be well within your reach. Here, a closer look at nutrition and eating right.

A balanced diet refers to intake of appropriate types and adequate amounts of foods and drinks to supply nutrition and energy for the maintenance of body cells, tissues, and organs, and to support normal growth and development.

Well-balanced diet

A well-balanced diet acts to provide sources of energy and nutrition for optimal growth and development.

Food Sources

Milk group (milk and milk products)

  • milk, cheese, yogurt
Meat group (meat and meat substitutes)
  • meat: chicken, fish, beef, pork, lamb
  • legumes: beans and peas
  • nuts and seeds
Fruit and vegetable group
  • fruits
  • vegetables
Grain group (breads and cereals)
  • whole grain breads
  • enriched breads
  • rice
  • pasta

Side Effects of an unbalanced diet

An unbalanced diet can cause problems with maintenance of body tissues, growth and development, brain and nervous system function, as well as problems with bone and muscle systems.

Click the Banner, order yours today!!


Colorectal cancer

Cancer is a disease characterized by an abnormal growth of cells, also called a malignancy or carcinoma. There are more than 100 types of cancer. Treatments continue to improve, and doctors and patients are more aware of the importance of finding and treating cancer early. Learn the preventative measures you can take to protect yourself, and find out more about the latest treatments and how to manage the disease if you've been diagnosed.

If you're going to have chemotherapy, you may want to cut your hair short beforehand. That way, there will be less hair to lose, and the process may seem less traumatic. If you're planning to buy a wig, it's best to do so before you begin treatment so the wigmaker can match it to your current hair color and style. Some insurance plans cover the cost of wigs, but if yours doesn't, contact local organizations or support groups for assistance.

Heart Health

Take care of your heart by eating low cholesterol and low sodium foods, exercising regularly, and getting your blood pressure and cholesterol levels checked regularly. Learn what else you can do to improve your heart and overall health. Find out what to expect after a stroke or heart attack and how to make the best possible recovery.

When getting your blood pressure taken, it's important to obtain as accurate a reading as possible. So don't drink coffee or smoke cigarettes 30 minutes prior, and wear short sleeves so your arm is exposed. For five minutes beforehand, sit with your back supported and your feet flat on the ground, and rest your arm on a table at heart level.


Cholesterol, a fat-like substance, is an important component of cell membranes and a building block in the formation of certain hormones. Too much cholesterol in the blood, though, can cause fatty deposits that make it difficult for blood to flow through the arteries. This increases your risk for both heart attack and stroke. But there's good news. A healthy diet, regular exercise, and other positive lifestyle changes can help reduce, or even prevent, high cholesterol.

Increasing your dietary-fiber intake may reduce your LDL ("bad cholesterol") levels. Add apples, citrus fruit, lentils, beans, oat bran, barley, psyllium seeds, and flaxseed meal to your diet. In addition, soybeans, soy milk, tofu, tempeh, and edamame may be helpful.

Migraines & Headaches

Migraine, cluster, and tension are the most common recurring headaches. Women are three times more likely to suffer from migraines, which also cause light-sensitivity and nausea. Men are more likely to have cluster headaches, which come on suddenly and feel like being poked in the eye with a hot stick. Tension headaches feel more like a constant, dull pressure. Find out what may trigger your headaches, and learn how to ease the pain.

Never ignore the early signs of a migraine. Since most pain relievers become less effective as a headache progresses, catching symptoms early and taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, like ibuprofen or naproxen sodium, can save you a lot of discomfort in the long run.

Cafergot only to decrease the pain of Migraine
Cafergot Suppositories is a combination of 2 vasoconstrictors. It works by constricting blood vessels in the lining of the brain, which helps to decrease the pain from migraine headaches

Possible side effect of Cafergot

All medicines may cause side effects, but many people have no, or minor, side effects. Check with your doctor if any of these most COMMON side effects persist or become bothersome:


Seek medical attention right away if any of these SEVERE side effects occur: Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue); blue color of the fingers or toes; chest pain or tightness; cold or pale fingers or toes; diarrhea; dizziness; hallucinations; headache; irregular heartbeat; leg cramps or weakness; mental or mood changes; muscle pain; numbness or tingling of the hands, feet, or skin; rectal sores; ringing in the ears; seizure; severe or persistent nausea or vomiting; shortness of breath; swelling; temporary fast or slow heartbeat; vomiting; weak pulse.


Arthritis is a common health condition that affects millions of world population as they age. The disease can cause pain, swelling, and loss of movement in the joints; in fact, the word "arthritis" literally means "joint inflammation" and refers to more than 100 different diseases. Whether you are looking for arthritis pain relief or want to protect your joints, you'll find valuable news and information here. So here it is!

Promote better joint health and maintain strong muscles
with Veriuni Joint Health

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Acute gouty arthritis

Gout is caused by an overproduction of uric acid or a reduced ability of the kidney to get rid of uric acid. The exact cause is unknown. It is more common in males, postmenopausal women, and people who drink alcohol

The condition may also develop in people with:

Kidney disease
Sickle cell anemia


An attack of gout is usually accompanied by acute pain in the big toe, which becomes tender, hot and swollen in a few hours. Usually, it is almost impossible to put any weight on the affected foot in the acute stage. It may also similarly affect other joints such as the knees and wrists, and sometimes more than one joint may be affected at a time. The attack usually occurs at midnight or in the early hours of the morning, when the patient is suddenly awakened. The acute attack generally lasts for a week or so. During this period the patient may run a slight fever, and feel disinclined to eat. His general health remains unaffected.

Another serious complication of gout is kidney stones containing uric acid, causing severe colic pains in the stomach. In some cases, the kidneys become damaged and do not function properly . This is a serious condition as the poisonous waste products which are normally removed by the kidneys accumulate in the blood.

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Allopurinol is used to treat gout. It is also used to treat patients with kidney stones and to decrease levels of uric acid in people who are receiving cancer treatment.

Allopurinol may also be used for other purposes not listed here.

Allopurinol is a xanthine oxidase inhibitor. It reduces the production of uric acid in your body. Uric acid buildup can lead to gout or kidney stones.

Allopurinol side effects:

  • the first sign of any skin rash, no matter how mild;

  • pain or bleeding when you urinate;

  • urinating less than usual or not at all;

  • fever, sore throat, and headache with a severe blistering, peeling, and red skin rash;

  • bruising, severe tingling, numbness, pain, muscle weakness;

  • easy bruising or bleeding, unusual weakness;

  • fever, chills, body aches, flu symptoms;

  • jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes); or

  • seizure (convulsions).

Less serious side effects may include:

  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;

  • dizziness or drowsiness;

  • increased sweating; or

  • joint pain.

This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Tell your doctor about any unusual or bothersome side effect.

Left is a scary image of a person hands suffering from Gouty Arthritis.

Veriuni Advanced Joint Support: FOUR of today's best selling joint health neutraceuticals for better joint health, stronger muscles, and increased muscle tone.

Click the Banner, order yours today!!

Weight Lose

To successfully lose weight, you must carry out a plan to balance your caloric intake with exercise. Ideally, dieting should be done by eating a nutritionally balanced, low-calorie diet and increasing physical activity.

Lose those unwanted pounds and look and feel great. Advanced Weight Loss is specially formulated for those with busy lifestyles. Only the very best ingredients are used. Three delicious instantly mixable flavors are available. Order yours today!

Before --------------------------After
The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.She has achieved her shapely new figure without starving herself or resorting to faddy diets, but by following a sensible healthy eating plank

Click the Banner, order yours today!

Skin Care & Beauty

Acne? Wrinkles? Age spots? Varicose veins? Chances are, if you have them, you want to get rid of them. And if you don't have them, you want to keep it that way. Find out more about do-it-yourself treatments and what you can do to prevent unwanted features. If you're considering professional treatment, know how to find a doctor and what you should ask before your appointment.

To help control acne, it's imperative that you keep your skin clean. Avoid products that clog your pores, and look for the word "noncomedogenic" on the label. Also, try not to scrub or pick at your pimples--it will only make them worse and could even cause scars.

Amazing Anti-aging food supplement

- Veriuni Antioxidant food supplement

Although no diet can instantly turn back time, regular consumption of certain antioxidant-rich foods, such as avocados, berries, garlic, and cruciferous vegetables, may shave a few years off your appearance.

Emotional Health &


All too often, we forget to take care of our emotional and mental health. Stress and other emotional problems may manifest themselves physically, leading to further complications. Fortunately, learning to express your feelings in a healthy manner and finding appropriate outlets for your emotions can help you lead a healthy life--both physically and emotionally.

If you're suffering from a fear of rejection, try to imagine the worst possible outcome. Whatever the actual outcome ends up being, chances are, it won't be nearly as bad as what you've envisioned

If you're feeling overwhelmed or anxious, you may find that certain foods, such as asparagus, almonds, blueberries, tuna, and beef, can help you regain your calm.

Children's Health &


From writing book reports to playing soccer, kids are constantly on the go. So they're bound to come down with sore throats, sniffles, and other ailments from time to time. In addition to receiving medical attention when they're sick, it's also important that kids get regular checkups to prevent or diagnose potentially serious problems. Find out what you can do to keep your child healthy.


  • If physical development appears to be outside the norm, consult your child's pediatric provider.
  • If language skills appear to be lagging, request a speech and language evaluation.
  • Maintain close communication with teachers, other school personnel, and parents of friends to be aware of potential problems as they arise.
  • Encourage children to express themselves openly and talk about concerns without fear of reprisal.
  • While encouraging children to participate in a variety of social and physical experiences, parents should be careful not to over-schedule a child's free time. Free play or simple, quiet time is important for the child not to feel constantly pushed to perform.
  • Children today are exposed, through the media and their peers, to a vast array of issues dealing with violence, sexuality, and drug abuse. Parents are encouraged to discuss these issues openly with their children to share concerns or correct misconceptions. Setting limits may be necessary to ensure children will be exposed to such issues only when they are developmentally ready.
  • Encourage children to participate in constructive activities such as sports, clubs, arts, music, and scouts. However, it is important not to "over schedule" your child. Try to find a balance between family time, school work, free play, and structured activities.
  • School-age children should participate in family chores such as setting the table and cleaning up.

Drug abuse is the use of illegal drugs. It may also refer to the misuse of prescription or over-the-counter drugs. Prescription or over-the-counter drugs may be abused if you take more than the normal or recommended amount of the medicine, or if you use them for illegal purposes.


An overdose of narcotics can cause sleepiness and even unconsciousness.

Uppers (stimulants) produce excitement, increased rate of heartbeat, and rapid breathing. Downers (depressants) do just the opposite.

Mind-altering drugs are called hallucinogens. They include LSD and other street drugs. Using such drugs may cause paranoia, hallucinations, aggressive behavior, or extreme social withdrawal.

Cannabis-containing drugs such as marijuana may cause relaxation, impaired motor skills, and increased appetite.

Legal prescription drugs are sometimes taken in higher-than-recommended amounts to achieve a feeling other than the therapeutic effects for which they were intended. This may lead to serious side effects.

First Aid

1. Check the patient's airway, breathing, and pulse. If necessary, begin CPR. If the patient is unconscious but breathing, carefully place him or her in the recovery position. If the patient is conscious, loosen the clothing, keep the person warm, and provide reassurance. Try to keep the patient calm. If an overdose is suspected, try to prevent the patient from taking more drugs. Call for immediate medical assistance.

2. Treat the patient for signs of shock, if necessary. Signs include: weakness, bluish lips and fingernails, clammy skin, paleness and decreasing alertness.

3. If the patient is having seizures, give convulsion first aid.

4. Keep monitoring the patient's vital signs ( pulse, rate of breathing, blood pressure) until emergency medical help arrives.

5. If possible, try to determine which drug(s) were taken and when. Save any available pill bottles or other drug containers. Provide this information to emergency medical personnel.


  • DO NOT jeopardize your own safety. Some drugs can cause violent and unpredictable behavior. Call for professional assistance.
  • DO NOT try to reason with someone who is on drugs. Do not expect them to behave reasonably.
  • DO NOT offer your opinions when giving help. You don't need to know why drugs were taken in order to give effective first aid.

Smoking Cessation

The health benefits of quitting smoking are undeniable: smell and taste become more pronounced, breathing is easier, circulation and blood pressure improve, and the risk of heart attack and stroke are reduced. Yet, most people struggle to quit. For those who are successful, they may have first tried several futile techniques. Find out more about gums, patches, candies, and other tried-and-true (and tried-and-failed) means of smoking cessation.

In the early stages of your quitting program, plan ahead for situations in which you'll be tempted to smoke. Try sitting in the non-smoking section at restaurants, drinking your coffee standing up, or keeping something in your hand while you're talking on the phone.

Next Product

Recent studies suggest that certain foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and dairy products, may make it easier to quit smoking. Why? Researchers believe they make cigarettes taste worse. To get started, whip up one of these anti-smoking recipes.

Fruit Ambrosia (Anti smoking recipe)


2.0large navel orange, peeled and thinly sliced
1/4 Lbs. pineapple chunks, drained
1/2 cups sweetened flaked coconut (optional)
1 cups vanilla yogurt
2.0ripe firm banana, peeled and thinly sliced

Cooking Directions:
Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl and toss. Chill before serving.

Smoking caused of mouth and throat cancer

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Picture above is an image of mouth cancer caused from smoking habit

Lung Cancer Photo
Picture above is an image of Lung cancer caused from smoking habit


A disease characterized by low bone mass and structural deterioration of bone tissue, osteoporosis leads to bone fragility and an increased susceptibility to fractures. Fortunately, certain lifestyle changes can help lower your risk. A diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, as well as a regular fitness regimen consisting of weight-bearing exercises, such as walking, can help maintain strong and healthy bones.

Live a healthy life with Veriuni™ Liquid Nutrition. Tasty liquid multivitamin ensures you'll get nearly every daily nutrient required for prolonged health. Powerful antioxidant unleashes the power of red wine extract and polyphenols for the ultimate mind and body energizer. All-natural ingredients. No sugar or artificial preservatives.

Live a healthy life! Click the Banner. Order yours today!

Weight-bearing exercises, such as walking, jogging, and climbing stairs, can help build and maintain strong bones. Aim for three to four 30-minute workouts each week. And age shouldn't be a deterrent--it's never too late to start building strong bones.

Calcium and vitamin D are essential for bone strength, especially if you've been diagnosed with osteoporosis.


The term "balanced" simply means that a diet adequately meets your nutritional needs while not providing any nutrients in excess. To achieve a balanced diet, you must consume a variety of foods from each of the food groups.

General Guidelines

  • eat at least 3 meals each day
  • do not skip breakfast
  • eat foods from each of the Four Food Groups at every meal

The most important step to eating a balanced diet is to educate yourself about what your body needs, and read the nutrition label and ingredients of all the food you eat.

Some of the key recommendations:

  • Follow a balanced diet that is low in saturated and trans fats, cholesterol, added sugars, salt, and alcohol, such as the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) Eating Plan.
  • Balance your calorie intake with exercise. Slowly decrease your caloric intake while increasing exercise to prevent gradual weight gain over time. Exercise regularly and reduce sedentary activities.
  • Two cups of fruit and 2½ cups of vegetables per day are recommended for people following an average 2,000-calorie per day diet.
  • Three or more ounces of whole-grain products are recommended per day.
  • Three cups per day of fat-free or low-fat milk or milk products should be included.
  • Fewer than 10% of calories should come from saturated fatty acids.
  • Trans fatty acids should be avoided.
  • Cholesterol intake should be less than 300 mg/day.
  • Total fat intake should not exceed 20-35% of calories. Choose "good" fats such as fish, nuts, and vegetable oils containing polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. Lean, low-fat, or fat-free meats, poultry, dry beans, and milk or milk products are preferable. Total fat intake can approach 35% if the majority of fats are "good" fats.
  • Stay away from added sugars.
  • Consume less than 2,300 mg (approximately one teaspoon of salt) of sodium daily, and limit salt added in food preparation.
  • Do not consume more than one alcoholic drink per day for women, two per day for men. Certain individuals should abstain from alcohol completely.

1948 you could buy spinach that had 158 milligrams of iron per hundred grams. By 1965, the maximum had dropped to 27 milligrams. In 1973 it was averaging 2.2. That means you would have to eat 75 bowls of spinach to get the same amount of iron that one bowl might have given you back in 1948. We have to have cobalt to process vitamin B12. We need vitamin B12 for healthy red blood cells. Sadly most of the vegetables that supply cobalt in the diet now test zero.

The top soil over most of the land used to grow fruits and vegetables is very depleted. This in turn produces crops that are severely low in the necessary vitamins and mineral that our bodies need for optimum health.

The typical daily diet does not supply the necessary proteins, vitamins and minerals to properly replace the dying cells in our internal and external organs. If we fall short our immunity system is weakened leaving us vulnerable to sickness and disease.

So...are you getting the 20 essential amino acids, 14 essential minerals and 13 essential vitamins in your daily diet to insure your "good health"?

Who's looking out for your health?

Our fast paced lifestyles have prompted the food industry to produce products that satisfy consumer demand. As a result, these quick to prepare processed foods do not contain the proper nutrients to maintain good health. The fresh food part of our diet is totally eliminated and is replaced with high calorie low nutrient substitutes that promotes weight gain. Too often the consumer purchases food based on price, taste and convenience.

Mass media advertising promotes the processed foods that the food industry is offering. This advertising over shadows conventional education which is grossly lacking. Today a person can go through the entire educational system and not have one class in nutrition.

Easy access to "sickness care" (more commonly known as health care) and employer supported health insurance has promoted a mind set that the doctor is responsible for the health of the entire family.

Governmental support of public health is dictated largely by the food and medical lobby. Their agenda is for large sales and profits which most times do not line up with prevention, wellness and sensible diets.

Pay for good health today, or pay for bad health tomorrow!

Take control and responsibility for you and your family's health. The first step is to insure they get the basic nutrition through proper diet and exercise. It is almost impossible to get a daily balanced diet so the logical answer is to allocate a portion of your food budget to include a supplement product that supplies the recommended daily minimums. This should not be looked at as an additional expense but part of your grocery list of required items.

Veriuni Nutritionals...all the health insurance you need!

Veriuni Flagship Nutritional Products

Veriuni's Liquid Nutrition offers you a great tasting peach-flavored liquid multivitamin that supplies 100% of your daily vitamins and minerals. The liquid, unlike many tablets, is highly absorbed by the body so that all the benefits from your investment are realized. Veriuni Liquid Nutrition consists of all natural ingredients taken from plants and the earth itself, with no fillers or binders.

Just one ounce of this unique supplement taken daily supplies 127 of the best vitamins, minerals, herbal complex and amino acid complex available.

Veriuni's Advanced Antioxidant formula helps to combat the harmful free radicals that enter the body through the food we eat and the air that we breathe. This product is a highly concentrated natural extract derived from grape seeds. It contains a number of unique beneficial flavonoid compounds which have demonstrated many times the antioxidant activity of vitamins C and E in in-vitro studies. They act as free radical scavengers, help resist blood vessel and skin damage, inhibit inflammatory enzymes and inhibit histamine formation.

Be sure to put these two Veriuni Nutritionals on your shopping list TODAY!

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